Psalm 118:24
This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Daily Devotion
by Karen Dauenhauer
Today’s scripture is very short in nature, but very timeless in its application. In the beginning God separated the darkness from the light and called it day. (Genesis 1:4-5) He put into motion the sun rising and setting. The circle of life continues from season to season, year to year, and will not stop until God halts time.
He created each day from earth’s conception, until today. This gift of today we know is not guaranteed to all. Unfortunately, there will be some that will not see the sun set today. Others will not be able to see it rise. There is a Latin phrase “Carpe diem” that means seize the day. Activists may interpret that as a battle cry. We, I believe, need to interpret it in relevance to scripture. Seize your opportunity to give thanks to one who is worthy of all praise. Take advantage of the voice God gave you and lift His name high in adoration, glory, and worship. Thank him for the sunshine in the midst of a cold November day. Thank Him for the evidence of life as you see your breath in the air. Seize the day!!!
This day, God has given us life. This day God has given us blessings. This day God has given us a hope for a better future, and an opportunity to talk with Him, and a reason to keep going. We are not to worry about the troubles that tomorrow will bring, for they will come. We are to live in today. And in living in this day, we need to determine that we will rejoice in what we have received from the Lord. Rejoice and be glad that our name is known by the savior, Jesus Christ. Be thankful today. And when the day ends, and if you awake in the morning, the same God that gave you this day is still worthy of the worship. For in this day, no matter if it be tomorrow or January 23, 2023 or September 10, 2026 or March 17, 2027. Each day we are given life is the day we are to rejoice and be glad in it. Each day we need to choose whom we will serve. Each day His mercies are new. Each day we have the opportunity to walk with the Lord. Each day we have a reason to be thankful.